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“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada

Presupuesto para migrantes le corresponden a Sheinbaum: Comisión en Diputados; SHCP podría aumentarlos a favor de repatriados

Comisión en San Lázaro prevé ratificar Ley del Infonavit sin modificaciones; Comités serán tripartitas: Morena

Hay “conversaciones estratégicas” con equipo de Trump, afirma Esteban Moctezuma; presume acudir a investidura

ONGs acusan a Garduño de eludir responsabilidad en incendio de INM de Ciudad Juárez; exigen justicia por 40 migrantes
Carol Lim
and Humberto Leo n, Kenzo 's creative directors recently launched their latest collection titled “ La Collection Memento N°4 ,” which pays homage to Kenzo 's founder, Kenzo Takada .
The Collection Memento N°4 aims to rediscover and reinvent “vintage KENZO pieces. After almost 50 years of existence, KENZO is celebrating its heritage and its designer for this exclusive 4th collection.”
This fourth collection is part of Kenzo Takada 's archives. The hyper-realistic tomato prints from the 1992 collection .
As you may know, tomatoes come from South America , especially Mexico . In Nahuatl , tomatoes were called xitomatl , which later became tomate in Spanish .
The Spanish first encountered tomato when they colonized the Aztecs and then brought it back to Europe in the 16th century.
In Mexico, tomatoes have been an essential part of gastronomy for centuries . They are used in sauces , soups , stews , and as a garnish .