is the gift that keeps on giving. With delicious that has had enormous influence all over the world, Mexico also produces and fantastic spirits like , , and , to mention some, but there is a particular contribution many might not know comes from the Aztec land: .

Kahlúa is a tasty coffee liqueur crafted from the finest ingredients that grow side by side in rural Veracruz , Mexico .


The story of Kahlúa began in 1936 . It was created by Senior Blanco , Montalvo Lara , and the Álvarez brothers ; with a great idea in mind, two of them forked out rich and tasteful Arabica coffee and another one, who was a chemist, made it real. The actual word Kahlúa has ties to ancient Arabic languages and is said to be slang for coffee .

Then, in the 1940s , Kahlúa was first introduced in the U.S. Once internationally known, Kahlúa had another breakthrough in 1948 with the creation of the . Rumor has it that the older brother of the White Russian was created in Brussels in honor of a memorable hostess who threw the most lavish and unforgettable parties for important people.


In order to prepare a Black Russian , you only need to fill a rocks glass with ice, add one part Kahlúa , two parts vodka . Then, mix, garnish with a cherry on top, and enjoy.

In the 1950s , a Kahlúa company employee called Jules Berman was an enthusiastic collector of Pre-Columbian figures . He believed in the rich Mexican heritage and included the quirky figures in every ad.

Then, 1955 marked the invention of the in Oakland, California. To prepare this classic drink, fill a rocks glass with ice cubes and add Kahlúa and vodka . Finally, add a cream layer. For the perfect layering, pour the cream off the back of a spoon .


Another Kahlúa-based drink was created in Calgary, Canada. Back in 1977 , the became a worldwide success. Currently, the B-52 is a well-established drink that combines Kahlúa , Irish cream , and orange liqueur . Famous for its impressive composition, when prepared properly, the ingredients separate into three visible layers, graciously floating upon another.

In 1980 , Kahlúa became the number one selling coffee liqueur in the world. In the 1990s , it became a popular drink to decorate movie sc e nes. Kahlúa was featured in dozens of movies , series , and songs . The White Russian might have played the biggest role by co-starring in movies that were unconventional for the time.

Nowadays, Kahlúa has proven to be a Mexican brand with a unique and exciting history and it still is the world’s top coffee liqueur .



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