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The Mexican Government has awarded an acknowledgment to the International Search & Rescue (ISAR) team dispatched by Germany for their collaboration in the structural review of buildings after the earthquake on September 19, which took the life of 361 people, according to Civil Protection data.
During the solemn ceremony, a minute of silence was requested in honor of the fatal victims.
At the Hangar of the Special Unit for the Aerial Transport of High-Rank Officers, the Secretary of the National Defense, the Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs, Carlos de Icaza González, highlighted the talent and experience of the German structural engineers, who helped review the disaster areas and damaged buildings with the assistance of their internationally valued technology and knowledge.
“Your presence is just another example of the solidarity of the German people and the fond friendship between the two countries,” Mr. De Icaza said during the ceremony.
The German engineers inspected and reviewed the buildings in the Narvarte quarter and the headquarters of the Secretary of Communications and Transportation; as well as several buildings in the state of Morelos.
“To our German friends, thank you for your presence in our country during such difficult times,” said the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its Twitter account.