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Elección judicial: Quienes aparezcan en la boleta van a ser los más calificados: Ignacio Mier; asegura no habrá padrinazgos
Delegación mexicana ya combate incendios en Los Ángeles: Protección Civil; Sedena coordina labores de búsqueda y rescate
Sheinbaum evita hablar de Pierre Poilievre como posible sucesor de Trudeau; “Corresponde al pueblo de Canadá decidir”, dice
The IPN fails to protect female students from harassers
Since last Monday, female students from the National Polytechnic Institute ( IPN ) have denounced harassment at the institution; they say students , academics , and workers have harassed them. They filled the schools with harassment stories. On March 5, Mario Alberto Rodríguez Casas , the IPN’s general director, issued a statement and recommended several things students can do in case they’re attacked; however, it doesn’t consider the possibility to punish aggressors in case the reports are confirmed. This is maybe why students keep denouncing more cases but they say their cases have been ignored by the IPN . Is the IPN waiting for the situation to reach epic proportions as in the case of the UNAM ?
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Social media war at the Senate
After the PAN said they were being spied in the Senate , Saturday was full of tweets after comments made by Morena leader Ricardo Monreal Ávila . The PAN said they would hire experts to investigate the espionage case and Morena was outraged the PAN doesn’t trust the Attorney General’s Office . The PAN also claims someone has sent millions of Whatsapp messages and e-mails to defame them and even argue that public resources have been used for this purpose. There seems to be a war between both parties.
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Authorities will investigate espionage case
We’ve been told that despite some saying the espionage case against the PAN is false, the Attorney General’s Office took the case seriously. We’ve been told that on Friday, experts worked at the crime scene all day. Since Morena is in charge of the protection of the government building, the prosecutors might want to speak to them first.
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The Attorney General’s Office won’t join the strike
Now that we’re talking about the Attorney General’s Office , the institutions have said nothing about the national women’s strike scheduled for March 9. While several government institutions and private companies have announced women will be free to join the strike, we’ve been told that Alejandro Gertz has kept quiet. After the Attorney General proposed to eliminate the crime of femicide , although he never admitted it, the least thing the institution could do is not to sanction the women who join the strike.
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