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is a country with incredible cultural wealth . It has given the world: colors, flavors, music, songs, flowers, and a great tradition declared by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage: Day of the Dead.
Celebrated on November 1 and 2 , Day of the Dead has become one of Mexico’s best-known traditions .
This year, Mexico City’s government has organized several activities to celebrate life and death in accordance with Day of the Dead .
As part of the festivities for this Mexican tradition, the city’s government has organized the International Parade of the Dead for the world to celebrate life and to leave future generations united by life and not separated by death.

The parade will start at Mexico City’s main square , best known as Zócalo . Then it will go through 5 de Mayo street , Juárez Avenue , and Paseo de la Reforma Avenue all the way to Polanco , where locals, restaurants, and hotels will receive tourists with the best food, amenities, and Mexican hospitality.
The International Parade of the Dead will take place on October 27 from 14:00 to 20:00 .