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Elección judicial: Quienes aparezcan en la boleta van a ser los más calificados: Ignacio Mier; asegura no habrá padrinazgos
Delegación mexicana ya combate incendios en Los Ángeles: Protección Civil; Sedena coordina labores de búsqueda y rescate
Sheinbaum evita hablar de Pierre Poilievre como posible sucesor de Trudeau; “Corresponde al pueblo de Canadá decidir”, dice
Sheinbaum indica que no asistirá a la investidura de Trump; “No pasa nada”, asegura que estará el embajador
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Influence peddling at Aeroméxico
On May 24, Aeroméxico went back in time to the 70s , when any member from President's Luis Echeverría's cabinet could prevent a commercial plane from taking off, as in the case of the former Environment Minister, Josefa González-Blanco Ortiz-Mena. We've been told that the abuse of power had consequences in the political arena, since Josefa González-Blanco resigned but it has yet to carry consequences for the airline ; nevertheless, the Communications and Transport Ministry launched an investigation against the Mexican airline. Anyway, who approved the 40-minute-dela y so that the official could board the plane? We've been told it was a high-ranking executive in Aeroméxico.
The PRD is extinct in the Senate
It finally happened. May 28 will be remembered as the day when the PRD lost its fraction in the Senate . We've been told that senator Leonor Loyola Cervantes will quit the party today, therefore, the party will lose the m inimum required t o form a fraction. We've been told the one responsible for this is Verónica Juárez, who often attacked and disrespected the party members. This mistreatment and Ricardo Gallardo 's encouragement to leave the party motivated her to quit the PRD . We've been told she'll be joining the PVM party.
Gourmet food for the Conacyt
The Conacyt director, María Elena Álvarez Buylla , is a prominent scientist but there are two topics she is not that good at: the number of contracts she approves and her concept of Mexican food. Yesterday, EL UNIVERSAL revealed that the Conacyt signed a contract for MXN $15 million for gourmet food, a chef , and a nutritionist for the Conacyt workers. María Elena Álvarez Buylla denied the claims and said the contract was for MXN $6 million and that the food was traditional Mexican food , not pricey gourmet food. Nevertheless, the MXN $15 million contract is available at EL UNIVERSAL's website . In regards to the menu , salmon and Dijon mustard aren't very Mexican. Republican austerity and Franciscan poverty are important but it is more important to feed Mexican scientists.
Paying homage to María de los Ángeles Moreno
One month after the death of the former PRI president, María de los Ángeles Moreno, the Senate will carry out a posthumous tribute to the politician. Members from all parties will attend the event since she was the first woman to lead the Senate and the lower chamber. Who would have thought the 4th Transformation would pay homage to a PRI member?