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Last July 1st, the Mexican democracy underwent a fundamental trial to confirm its consolidation. The election took place, although not without mishaps, but always with legal certainty, confidence and trust from the public . What has allowed the strengthening of our democracy is, to a large extent, the stability of the institution in charge of organizing the electoral processes: National Electoral Institute (INE)
The role of this institution consisted of the organization of the election day, the right management of the campaigns, as well as giving transparency to the results that were obtained. This way, through the collaboration of thousands of workers, the institute could train around 3 millions people, 1.4 millions of which participated in the development of the electoral process. Besides, during the election day, it guaranteed the installation and operation of almost 160, 000 voting booths so Mexicans could cast their vote. An enormous task.
Throughout the campaigns, the INE also was responsible of organizing the three debates . This exercises generated great expectation among the electorate, given that they were seen by thousands of people and they contributed for the voters to have more information in order to take an informed decision. The public deliberation promoted by the INE turned into a feature that left a mark in these campaigns.
If it was not enough, the INE guaranteed , in cooperation with the Public Local Organisms (OPLES), a good development of the election throughout the country, specially in the states where they are electing a new governor. The former was achieved with transparency in the results and with the trust of the electorate.
If only, the permittivity against Lopéz Obrador and Anaya's advanced campaigns could be questioned, who, based on law interpretations, appeared on spots, which risked the fairness principle of the election. Despite that, the merits achieved are greater, for the strengthening with which the INE concludes this electoral process is a great sign for the Mexican voters and for the empowerment of the democracy.
Since it was founded during the late 20th century, the institute's biggest virtue is that it has turned citizens into participants during the decision making process of the election of its public workers; even more, it placed a process that belongs to everyone into the hands of the community. With this as an antecedent, this institution has given legal certainty to the biggest and most complex electoral process in our history, throughout all its stages. The INE deserves recognition.