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In recent months, business owners have been hit by the paralyzation of the economy due to COVID-19; however, now they are being affected by vandalism and looting during protests taking place throughout the country.
Mexico City
has been shaken by violent protests in recent days, which were inspired by the protests against police brutality in the United States and a similar case registered in Guadalajara, Jalisco , when Giovanni López died at the hands of the police.
After the demonstrations and looting carried out by so-called anarchist groups , business owners are demanding justice after the losses they registered during two protests . Furthermore, amid the economic crisis sparked by the pandemic, it is unlikely that these young protesters will be held accountable and pay for the damages and goods they stole.
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Besides the damages caused in over 10,000 businesses in Mexico City , protesters also damaged facilities and businesses from the tourism sector and whose situations have been worsened after it was revealed the Trust Fund for Touristic Promotion transferred MXN 170 million to Mexico City’s government, instead of using the resources to support the sector during the crisis.
In 2019, the tourism industry generated over MXN 7,700 million in the capital; however, even if hotels reopened in the upcoming weeks, the industry likely wouldn’t register gains. The truth is tourism will be one of the last industries to resume their activities. The majority of tourists come from the U.S. but their economy has been wounded and they will surely focus on restoring their infrastructure.
Moreover, if the tourist sector generated over 360,000 direct jobs and over 900,000 indirect jobs in Mexico City, now the majority of these jobs are lost or in danger. As we all know, commerce and tourism are essential for the economy of the city, they can’t register more losses.
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