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Today, the night sky will be adorned with the second Super Moon of the year and the last of the winter season.
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) , this February full Moon is called the Crow Moon, Lenten Moon, Snow Moon, or Worm Moon , based on different traditions.
The Moon will be approximately 356,846 kilometers away from Earth , which is 27,554 kilometers closer than usual.
Though the Moon reached perigee (the point nearest to Earth) this morning between 3 and 4 AM, it became full moon at 11 AM and you can still see it tonight.
NASA pointed out that full moons tend to register higher brightness levels during the winter, when the Earth and its natural satellite are closest to the sun.
This will be the second of the three consecutive Super Moons of the year (January, February, and March) , though tonight’s moon will be the brightest and closest to Earth, an astronomical phenomenon that will not be repeated until 2026 .
The next super moon will happen on March 21 and, according to the US space agency, the Earth's natural satellite will be 360,772 kilometers away .