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In Mexico , cybercrime poses an increasing threat to civilians , as well as both private and public institutions , according to a report by Europol .
The document presented by Philipp Amann, head of Strategy of Europol’s European Cybercrime Center, before the European Parliament Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice, and Home Affairs , claimed that “Mexico’s profile has become more prominent” in cases involving online crime .
Moreover, Symantec ranked Mexico among the top 10 countries with the most malicious links disseminated through e-mails ; notably, Mexico ranked 7 after Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Norway, and the UK.
Also, McAfee has estimated that the financial impact of cybercrime in Mexico rises to USD$3 billion a year.
Therefore, cybersecurity has become an urgent matter in Mexico during this new digital era , since it has become the fastest growing industr y in the world.
Given Mexico's importance in this industry, new companies are arriving in Mexico , aiming to provide efficient solutions to one of the most important markets in Latin America .
For example, Synology arrived in Mexico a few weeks ago. This Taiwan-based company is known for its network-attached storage (NAS) , IP surveillance solutions, and network equipment that transform the way users manage data , conduct surveillance , and manage network in the cloud era.
Furthermore, Synology emphasizes the importance of data and its essential role in all industries , where protecting its data is every company's main concern . As the industry leader, Synology enables every business to manage, secure, and protect their own data anywhere access is needed from flash to disk to multiple cloud architectures .
Along with other companies, Synology is changing the way Mexican businesses and users manage data storage and cybersecurity , and in turn, protect users' priva cy.