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67% of Mexicans will celebrate Valentine's Day through different activities, such as buying gifts , going on romantic dinner dates , going to the movies , among other activities, according to Ofertia .
In a statement, the online platform claims that 91% of those who will celebrate this date will buy a gift ; mainly clothing and accessories, 27%; chocolates , 19%, and perfumes , 16%.
On the other hand, the other 38% plans to give away an electronic gadget , 10%; flowers , 10%; experiences, 7%; jewelry , 6%, and others, 5%.
For their gifts , 54% of Mexicans will spend up to MXN $600 , while 15% will spend up to MXN $900 , 14% plans to spend MXN $1,200 and 17% is expected to spend around MXN $1,500 pesos.
The majority of those who will celebrate Valentine's Day, 79%, will organize a special event: 43% will go out to dinner , while 36% will organize something at home.
61% of those surveyed said they will spend around MXN $600, 30% think they will spend around $1,200 and only 8.0% expects to spend up to $1,500 on Valentine's Day dinner .