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Sheinbaum cierra el 2024 con mensaje de Año Nuevo; recuerda legado de AMLO y reafirma continuidad de la 4T
Científicos de la UNAM desarrollan lombricompostaje; una alternativa eficiente para el manejo de heces caninas
Mexico is one of the countries with the lowest income tax rate – 11.2% – but also one of the nations with the lowest average gross wages when compared to other member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
According to the study of the organization, “ Taxing Wages 2018 ,” while Mexico pays a net personal average tax rate of 11.2%, there are countries which only pay a 7% – like Chile. However, there are countries where income tax rates reach 40.5% , like Belgium; 39.9% in Germany; 35.8% in Denmark; and 33.7% in Slovenia.
While tax rates in Mexico are much lower than those of other countries, the difference in wages earned are considerable. The average gross earning in Mexico is USD$ 12,730 a year . In Chile, with tax income rates of 7%, the average gross earning is almost the double of that of Mexico, with USD$ 22,616 a year.
And for the countries with the highest income tax rates, wages are also among the highest among member countries. For instance, while Belgians pay 40.5% in taxes, their average wage is equal to USD$ 58,545 a year.
According to the study, Mexico, Tukey and the Czech Republic were countries which increased income tax rates in the last year, contrasting with the situation of 13 out of the 35 member countries of the OECD, where income tax rates dropped.