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For decade s, sports policies in Mexico , if they have truly existed, owe society. After several attempts , for example, to consolidate a real public sport infrastructure in the country, as well as encourage an important sport culture in society , what we actually have nowadays is a sport rubric mostly faded in the national scene, full of scandals about wrongful use of resources and abandoned , although it has received more resources than ever, with a lot of wasted talent , and a poor projection of Mexican athletes in the world, and what is more worrying is that Mexico has a mostly sedentary society , it has the first place in child obesity and the second in obese adults.
desperately needs an authentic sports policy that involves all the government : transverse policies , but especially that the education authorities have support. It needs to involve the private sector as well, to develop sports facilities together, and society needs to take part as well.
Our country , as we can see these days during the Centroamerican Games in Barranquilla where our nation leads the medal count , it has a huge sport potential in its young people, yet we won't stand out in sports on an international level while the current sport scheme isn't modified, which we know isn't delivering results and which should show transparency in the use of resources in order to avoid corruption .
Dieter Holtz
expresses himself in this line of thought, he will be part of the incoming government and who already has presented a project to transform Mexican sport . The former swimmer , former president and director of Laureate Education Mexico has as his foundation the clear separation of the “three stages of sport”: physical activation, social sports, and high-performance sports , each of them with a different reality, aim, way of operating and administrate it. According to this plan, the first thing that will be implemented is to set physical activation as a national priority, in order to generate transverse policies through the creation of a physical activation national committee. According to the project, the Conade would only act as an operational organism and would focus on promoting social sport . In regards to high-performance sports, what Holtz proposes is that sport is self-supporting, having a council that leads the plans that will be implemented i n the long run.
This seems like the right way to go . Also, sport can't be missing from AMLO's pacification plan , and few things help social cohesion and children and young people's health quite like sports.