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Although the unemployment rate in Mexico has been consistently low, only 3.3% in November, women , especially the more educated ones, are the ones facing more troubles to enter the job market .
According to the Inegi , 51.9% of women with high school and higher education degrees are unemployed .
Numbers released by the IMSS detail that there were 21.4 million women who are part of the economically active population , but only 20.6 million were employed .
The other 811,000 women are unemployed and around 421,000 had high school degrees or higher education degrees.
The percentage of educated women who are unemployed is higher than in men, which was of 43.6% during November 2018, according to the Inegi.
In the case of men , there were 34.6 million men who were part of the economically active population from July to September 2018, and 33.4 million are active in the job market.
Although there are 1.1 million men unemployed , almost 490,000 were in this condition despite being more educated .
The Inegi said that people with work experience were the ones with the highest unemployment rates .
In the case of women , 86.6% of unemployed claimed they had previous working experience. In the case of men, the percentage was higher, 92.5%.
Only 13.2% of unemployed women in the country didn't have a job opportunity and a barrier could have been that they had no experience in the job market . In men, the percentage was of 7.5%.
The underemployed population, that is, people has the need and availability to work for a longer period of time than what is currently demanded from them also had a high incidence among those with higher education levels.
Although the largest percentage of underemployed women were those with middle school levels, 34.4%, the percentage of women with high school and higher education levels was high, with 30.3%. In men, the percentage was of 31.5% and 28.3%.