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Confrontación en el Congreso por 100 días de gobierno de Sheinbaum; oposición critica seguridad y salud

Morena pide reforzar mecanismos para repatriación de niños migrantes; busca evitar que sean víctimas de delitos

Caen dos presuntos extorsionadores del dueño de una joyería en la CDMX; exigían efectivo y vehículos

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Anuncia Alito Moreno nuevos nombramientos en el PRI; habrá seis voceros, entre ellos Mario Di Costanzo

Rosa Icela Rodríguez: Estamos abiertos al diálogo con gobierno de Trump sobre migración; México está preparado, asegura
On March 13, the organizers of the Hellow Festival announced that, due to the coronavirus pandemic , the music festival will be rescheduled for November 14.
Pop, rap, urban, reggaeton, country, and electronic music will merge at the Bicentennial Park for Hellow Festival 2020 that has evolved during its 10 years of existence and has grown tremendously.
This year, this music festival that will take place in Mexico City for the first time has a really interesting lineup .
Did you know the
Some days ago, it was revealed that the rapper called Future will lead the event set for March 28 in the Azcapotzalco borough, and along with the composer of “ Life is Good ” and “ Never Stop ” are important names of urban music and hip h op, such as Karol G and Cartel de Santa .
Get ready for Corona Capital Guadalajara 2020
, Trevor Daniel , Orville Peck , and Soul Clap are some of the artists included in the lineup that is seeking to balance the music taste of all those interested in attending the festival.
Since its beginning, Hellow Festival has stood out for presenting bands , DJs , and other musicians such as the interventions by LCD Soundsystem , Die Antwoord , and Empire of the Sun , among many others.
Do you know the
Tickets for the music festival are already available via Super Boletos and there are two options to choose from: VIP and general area . The cost of the tickets will change according to the sale stage and they will go from MXN $1050 to $3100 .