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Con banda y canastas de frutas reciben a Sheinbaum en la Mixteca de Oaxaca; “llego con el corazón vibrando”, expresa

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Sheinbaum designa a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel para nueva Comisión en la Mixteca; atenderá a pueblos originarios
is certainly one of the most popular fruits in Mexico because of its flavor, price, and benefits.
And it is known that thanks to its components and high vitamin C content, guava is ideal to strengthen the immune system.
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Nevertheless, it is usually eaten as a fruit while its leaves are discarded.
According to the American Association for Cancer Research , guava leaves have components with anticarcinogenic effects related to the capacity of preventing and even fighting cancer,
In general, these findings suggest that guava leaves can interfere with multiple cascades of signaling related to tumorigenesis and provide a source of potential therapeutic components both for the prevention and treatment of cancer , mainly prostate cancer.
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More research is still needed to specify the way in which guava leaves must be consumed in order to obtain their benefits.
Hopefully, the future will bring more progress in this area.
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