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A nurse holds the Mexican Republic in her hands and wraps it in a white blanket; she is surrounded by green, orange, and red color that represent the COVID-19 four-color coding system in Mexico; in the bottom left part there is a signature “Applezman,” that represent Sergio Morelos, a graffiti artist that creates murals for healthcare workers.
“It’s a tribute to all those heroes, not Superman or Batman, but those who really save lives. I think they deserve it and not only for pandemic but because there are injured and sick people every day and they give their lives; it’s their passion. Just as I paint, they are focused on saving lives. This is to thank them for their daily fight,” he says while he puts the finishing touches to his mural.
Acknowledging the work of healthcare workers with his art has a double meaning for Sergio because his wife is a nurse; he depicted her face in one of the three murals he has made. In total, he will paint 25 throughout the Metro’s Line 4 that goes from Martín Carera to Santa Anita.
“I decided to paint the face of my wife at the corner of Circunvalación because she is a nurse, although she is not currently working because she contracted a mortal disease, thank God, she is safe now. It was cancer,” says the urban artist.
Applezman began to make graffiti 17 years ago, “like everyone: in the streets, vandalism. Then, I saw it as art and that’s when I became curious.” Currently, he thinks his work is focused on muralism and his current objective is “to portray what has to be portrayed; a recognition to heroes.”
One of the murals shows a nurse carrying and sheltering the country; Applezman explains that he painted it to show how healthcare workers protect us.
Near Madero Park, at the intersection of Circunvalación and Congreso de la Unión, the Young man asserts that his inspiration is not only his wife and medical personnel taking care of patients infected with coronavirus since February 28, when the first case was registered in Mexico, but that he also wants it to be part of the change in a neighborhood deemed unsafe.
“My inspiration is all of them because they are health artists and sometimes they are not even thanked for it. I also want it to be a gift for society.
“We know the power of the neighborhood, that it is marginalized, but the idea is to change it. We try to give support and make crime and all that society become into an urban art gallery,” he said.
Since COVID-19 arrived in Mexico, Sergio has listened to different opinions about its existence and although he says he does not fear it, he prefers to follow all the health measures to prevent infection, mainly since his wife's immune system could be jeopardized.
“I think there are many diseases we ignore, and this one exists, that is why we try to be protected; before we begin painting, we wash our hands and put on face masks; sometimes we are fed up and we want to take them off, but it’s part of the dynamic.
“I’m not afraid, but I’m careful (..) because of my wife. Imagine if I contract it and pass it on to her; that would be a serious problem.” He says.
The urban artist asserts that his objective is to recognize healthcare workers .
The urban artist likes people to watch his work and he would like them to pay attention to detail. Painting healthcare workers makes him proud because he asserts they are the first ones in what is considered to be a war.
“The image of the nurse that is carrying Mexico is because she is taking care of it because they are the ones who are protecting us, not the National Guard or the Army; they will do so at their due time, but now, the honor is for these doctors and nurses, and everyone who is fighting,” says Sergio.
In front of another of his murals that displays a nurse over four superheroes and the legend “To the real heroes: Thank you,” Sergio Morales invites people to follow mitigation measures against the virus so that the pandemic ends as soon as possible in the country.
“Sometimes we think seeing is believing, but I only tell them to take care of themselves because sometimes those who don’t believe are the ones who fall. We know that everyone can get infected, ourselves, or our colleagues; that’s why I ask people to follow the rules. I’ve seen colleagues who [got infected] and are now paralyzed. There are people who are against the system but that is not a reason to not take care of their own health and their family’s.” he mentions.
While he takes away the valves and the spray paint cans, Applezman asks healthcare workers to visit the urban gallery and to take a picture with the murals because they are a tribute to them; moreover, he encourages them to continue fighting the pandemic.
“Remain vigilant; keep fighting. Sometimes, we hit rock bottom and say ‘ I can’t’ but there will be a reward when you love something, that’s why I encourage them. I wish to pay tribute to them: They are the ones who save lives,” he says with pride.