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Trump desata una confrontación interna en México por declarar terroristas a los narcos; Sheinbaum acusa de “entreguismo” a oposición

Avanza repatriación a México de connacionales secuestrados por huitíes; reciben asistencia y protección consular
What is seen now as the first embers in the prairies of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) , according to our sources, may become the flames that could end up consuming the National Executive Committee of the party, which, today, finds itself divided. In this environment of internal struggles, three governors – Carlos Mendoza Davis from Baja California Sur, José Rosas Aispuro Torres from Durango, and Francisco Dominguez Servién from Querétaro – have made some comments about the PAN needing to be rebuilt, a party which is currently controlled by the group of Ricardo Anaya Cortés . This extends the arm wrestle in the division of several PAN governors, in which the positions of the governors of Aguascalientes, Baja California, Chihuahua, Guanajuato, Nayarit, Puebla, Quintana Roo, Tamaulipas, and Veracruz will have to be defined in what is already beginning to take shape as a chapter of mediation for the PAN, after the elections. Mendoza, Aispuro, and Domínguez have rejected their affiliations towards Anaya this week, after once upon a time they sent messages of adhesion or even attended a rally two weeks ago, in Puebla…
AMLO has seen it all before…
We've been told that Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has added a controversial leader. Flavio Sosa , former leader of the People's Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), whose movement shook Oaxaca in 2006, was seen yesterday with Mr. Andrés at a rally AMLO organized to close his campaign in Oaxaca. We've been told that the criticism for adding controversial leaders is a matter which doesn't disturb Mr. López Obrador. He's seen it all before. By the way, unlike Sosa, the one who arrived late to the event and got on the stage at the end was the former member of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) Francisco Martínez Neri.
Insecurity, more terrible than corruption?
And speaking of Mr. Andrés Manuel, we've been told that he has changed his priorities. Our sources say that in recent days the politician has proposed to his tram that the levels of insecurity and violence the country is living are truly concerning and even though he's said his priority is to uproot corruption if elected President, he's growing ever more concerned about insecurity – because it's reaching the same levels as corruption. Thus this will also bee a priority for him to tackle, say our sources.
The candidates and Mexico's Football Team
Today is the long-awaited debut of Mexico's National Football Team , led by coach Juan Carlos Osorio . Beyond real or imaginary expectations regarding the performance of the football players, it's interesting to see the importance or scorn of the presidential candidates on the football fans. Even more, beyond the candidates, the political class will seize this moment to add some followers. We'll see.