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Dan 11 años de cárcel a maestro de secundaria por violación a alumna en la CDMX; investigación inició en 2022

Él es “El Barbas” lugarteniente del CJNG en Michoacán; intento de detención deja 3 muertos y ola de violencia en Zitácuaro

Consulados preparados para defender dignidad de los mexicanos, afirma De la Fuente; protegerán derechos de connacionales

“Amenaza de deportaciones es real”, dice Ricardo Anaya; hay ingenuidad en gobierno de México, señala

Suman tres periodistas asesinados en cuatro meses; México, de los países más peligrosos para el periodismo
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The government froze the Huachicoleros' bank accounts
We've been told that today, President López Obrador will release some details about the frozen accounts of some characters linked to fuel theft , besides the problems the strategy against fuel theft has faced because of the sabotage of Pemex's pipelines , which has prevented, in some cases, that the fuel supply is resumed. They explain that it's time for the President to release names of people and companies that have benefited from fuel theft , that is, that he puts a name and a face to those he is fighting against and that is responsible for the inconveniences caused to the citizens during the fuel shortage and the imminent impact this measure will have in the country's economy .
New times at the IMSS
We've been told that the head of Mexico's Social Security Institute (IMSS) , Germán Martínez , has started a restructuring process in the institute that includes the destitution of delegates from the previous administration and that had last names linked to the PRI , such as Osorio or Beltrones , or other that was part of the CTM. We've been told that the reform will reach the delegations and that the figure of the delegate will disappear, once it's approved by the National Commission of Regulatory Improvement and that in the new structure , austerity will be implemented and many of the privileges of some of these delegates will come to an end.
Who wants Olga Sánchez out?
Who is behind the campaign to attack the Internal Affairs Minister, Olga Sánchez Cordero ? They have been attacking Olga Sánchez in several spaces. Someone who was accused, without proofs, is the former Internal Affairs Minister, Patrocinio González Garrido , who denied that he was behind the attacks with the intention to support the eventual arrival of Manuel Velasco to the Ministry. Manuel Velasco claims that the last time he was in touch with González Garrido was in August 2018, that it's false that he's interested in becoming the Internal Affairs Minister , and that he appreciates and respects Olga Sánchez. Now that it's clear that neither González Garrido or Velasco are behind the attacks, she and her team should locate the fire's origin and who wants her out of the cabinet and far from President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
The converts of the 4th Transformation
The Fourth Transformation has also achieved the ideological transformation of public servants and characters in the education sector , who used to work in favor of the education reform but now they're working in the administration that is looking to bury it. Others, who at some point accused the new administration of not recognizing new talents that held positions during the previous administration, have been appointed as new members of the current administration. For example, we've been told that we should ask Enrique Fernández Fassnacht , the new director of the TecNM , who is very active on Twitter and Facebook , why has he deleted some of his controversial tweets. Is it true that ideology isn't created or destroyed and it just transforms?