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Trabajadores del Poder Judicial denuncian violación a derechos por recorte presupuestal; analizan paro de labores
¡Ay nanita! 2025 alcanza récord por frío al llegar a -23°; temperatura mínima registrada desde hace 10 años
Por violencia o migración, INE perfila zonas de atención para elección judicial; falta determinar total de casillas
Buscadoras, activistas y periodistas piden reunión con Sheinbaum; denuncian desplazamiento y hasta feminicidio por su labor
Getting ready to build and connect Santa Lucía
We've been told that the Minister of Communications and Transport, Javier Jiménez Espriú, is getting ready to present an infrastructure project to connect Mexico City's airport to the new airport in the Santa Lucía military base. It's won't be a special lane only, as it has previously mentioned, to connect both airports but a rather ambitious project that will be built at the same time as an infrastructure development in the area, which will look to spark off economic growth in the region. It's expected that, we've been told, the plan will be presented this year and that it'll start as soon as possible.
Coconuts and layoffs
In Congress, the PRI reacted to what Morena's vice-coordinator, Tatiana Clouthier, said about the layoffs in some government departments such as the SAT. The Morena deputy said that if the resources aren't enough its because they're “Peña's, because it's what he left.” And the PRI's coordinator, René Juárez, said that with this logic you could think that “if someone is walking around Acapulco and walks under a palm tree and a coconut falls on their head, they are going to blame us.” Beyond who's to blame, the issue of the layoffs has become a concern for many, as they fear the situation will worsen in January when the current government makes cuts in different ministries.
Moneyless January for the bureaucrats
And while some bureaucrats are alert in the face of the possibility of being fired in the new few days, there are others who are worried, as they will have to work more for a lower salary. We've been told that in several government offices, workers have been told that starting in 2019, they will fulfill the President's instruction to work from Monday to Saturday. And once the 2019 Budget was approved, they will learn what their income will be, and in some cases, the salary cuts. So it seems like January will be tough for some.
Father Solalinde sparks controversy
We've been told that a sign of the polarization atmosphere in the country became evident with people's reactions after images of Father Solalinde were released, where he's seen holding a figure of Jesus with the features of President López Obrador. For the Catholic church, this a “blasphemous and sacrilegious” event, nevertheless, Father Solalinde claims that it took place during a Nativity play and that many times, during these plays, politics, satire, humor are included and that there was no ill will, or the intention to disrespect Catholics. Nevertheless, social media was full of insults between supporters and the opposition.