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G500 Network
, a partnership between G500 Gasoline Group and Glencore , a Swiss multinational, is on the list of companies operating privately owned gas stations.
On Thursday, G500 Network opened its first gas station in Mexico .
The gas station is located in Chabacano street in Colonia Valle de los Pinos , in Tlalnepantla , State of Mexico.
Antonio Caballero
, president of G500, said that with an investment of MXN$2 thousand million carried over the next 18 months , they expect to open more than 1,400 stations operating with the new brand.
With this initial opening, he added, begins G500 Network conversion process.
Alex Beard, Head of Glencore Oil , said “This is an exciting opportunity for Glencore to build on our existing commitment to the Mexican oil sector . Our partnership with G500 expands our presence into downstream and retail businesses; a natural fit with our global supply capabilities.”