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Municipios sin infraestructura para recibir migrantes, afirman ediles, senadores y activistas; no hay escuelas bilingües

Con banda y canastas de frutas reciben a Sheinbaum en la Mixteca de Oaxaca; “llego con el corazón vibrando”, expresa
Fugitive spotted in Paris
One of the former officials who worked for Miguel Ángel Mancera , Mexico City's former mayor and the current PRD leader in the Senate , was seen in Paris , despite being on the run, accused of embezzlement allocated to the reconstruction of the city after the September 2017 earthquake. Mexico City authorities were told that Edgar Tungüí was seen having the time of his life in Paris , while hundreds of victims of the 2017 earthquake are homeless . The good thing is that an arrest warrant has been issued against Edgar Tungüí and that the Interpol has issued a red notice for his arrest, as well as for Felipe de Jesús Gutiérrez, who is also being prosecuted.
The Bonilla case will be solved next year
The Supreme Court could decide if Jaime Bonilla will govern for two or five years before November 1, the day when he is supposed to take office. Moreover, we can say that there won't be a verdict this year because the legal procedure will take some time. What is more, it's irrelevant that his inauguration will take place in a few weeks as the Court can determine the extension of the governorship any time next year. We've been told that the Supreme Cour t could issue an official statement soon.
Mayors protests against budget cuts
We've been told that opposition mayors from the PAN , PRI , PRD , and MC will wake up as early as President López Obrador . Their purpose is to protest the budget cuts proposed in the 2020 budget . The mayors will be outside the National Palace while the President is at his news conference, hoping for a meeting. We've been told that the PAN will lead the group.
Mario Delgado lost the war
Lawmaker Mario Delgado
, Morena's parliamentary leader in the lower chamber , was the victim of technology , which was used to look for the location of his district, something that could disqualify him from Morena 's i nternal election . On Sunday, when he was ready to vote on his district, the district congress was suspended, although that is not the problem. The real issue is that Delgado is registered in another district, where he wasn't present. The meeting in the other location was carried out in peace but he wasn't chosen as a congressman , a requirement to be a candidate to lead the party. Now, the lawmaker could participate in the election only if the process is annulled or if there is an internal agreement to chose the next leader through a poll. So if things don't change, Mario Delgado has already lost the war.