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On July 1, a judge in Naucalpan, in the state of Mexico, refused to grant an amparo to the former Chihuahua governor, César Duarte , against an arrest warrant issued against him for aggravated embezzlement since April 2017.
This time, the former governor wasn't able to get rid off the arrest warrant .
According to the investigation launched by the Prosecutor's Office, César Duarte committed aggravated embezzlement, when Duarte used at least one airplane to carry out personal activities, such as transporting the children of high-ranking officials and illicit enrichment.
In the state of Chihuahua , aggravated embezzlement is punished with four years in jail and a fine.
César Duarte
has been a fugitive for over two years and Mexican authorities are still looking for him. Recently, it had been rumored that the former governor was hiding in Italy and that he had been allegedly arrested in the European but neither his lawyers or Mexican authorities have confirmed this.
In 2017 , the Interpol released a red notice against him, therefore, he is wanted in 190 countries .
According to the current Chihuahua governor, Javier Corral , the state of Chihuahua has issued over 10 arrest warrants against César Duarte , who is accused of d iverting over MXN $5,000 million from public funds.
On Friday, Corrales said that according to his sources, César Duarte is currently in the U.S. and said that he “has his recent location in Albuquerque , New Mexico , we even have the coordinates of his location (sic).”
There are 21 pending arrest warrants against the former PRI member.