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Noroña respalda fallo del TEPJF sobre elección judicial; Senado alista acuerdo para definir en tómbola candidaturas

Sheinbaum: “Hay muchas leyes que vamos a presentar”; alista paquete de reformas “muy trascendentes” para Pemex y CFE

Anuncian 100 mil apoyos de mejoramiento de vivienda para el oriente de Edomex; estos son los requisitos

Decisión del TEPJF quita pretexto para impugnar elección: Sheinbaum; acusa que SCJN quiere impedirla

Profeco revisa quejas de reembolso por “Emilia Pérez”; llama a Cinépolis a “recomendar” en vez de “garantizar” películas

Vinculan a proceso a “El Chavo Félix”, yerno de “El Mayo” Zambada; lo detuvieron con pastillas de fetanilo
Although November 1 and 2 have already passed, the spirit and the celebrations for Day of the Dead are not over in Mexico City .

From November 7 to 10 , downtown Mexico City will be covered in yellow, orange, white, and purple. Copal and papel picado will be your guides in the floral artistic interventions that will be installed in the main pedestrian streets.
You will be able to walk through the paths outlined with cempasúchil to meet the floral sculptures made by the merchant community of the Historic Center , each one alluding to their expertise.

Have you heard of cempasúchil, the "flower of the dead"?
If you visit the Brides Street , you will see a Catrina wearing a dress made with flowers. If you go to the National Museum of Art , you will see a gigantic stand with a landscape made from flowers.
Discover all the surprises that downtown Mexico City has prepared for you in all its corners.
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