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Mexican filmmaker
passed away today, at 77.
The acclaimed filmmaker was known for iconic films such as La Pasión según Berenice , María de mi Corazón , La Tarea, Doña Herlinda y Su Hij o, among many other films .
However, he was also a film director , editor , screenwriter , producer , and actor .
His films are considered as essential for the history of Mexican cinematography . Moreover, he was a champion of sexual diversity as he was one of the few openly gay Mexican directors. Hermosillo's films also explore the hypocrisy of middle-class Mexican society .
According to IMDb, “Hermosillo's films present a f resh look on Mexican society .”
In 1979 he worked along with Colombian Nobel Laureate Gabriel García Márquez on " Mary My Dearest " and " The Summer of Miss Forbes " in 1988.
His film Homework entered the 17th Moscow International Film Festival where it won a Special Mention.
Jaime Humberto Hermosillo Delgado
is often compared to Spanish filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar .