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Sheinbaum aborda vuelo comercial rumbo a Brasil; participará en cumbre del G20 el 18 y 19 de noviembre
“Hay que expropiar a Salinas Pliego” por deudas al SAT, señala Paco Ignacio Taibo II; pide a Sheinbaum ser autocrítica
Tribunal niega libertad provisional a Murillo Karam; magistrados alertan riesgo de que el ex titular de la PGR evada la justicia
The federal government is full of contradictions
Yesterday, the Jenaro Villamil Rodríguez, the head of the Public Radio and Television System (SPR), asked media owners, reporters, and journalists not to publish the personal information of COVID-19 patients . Nevertheless, Villamil should have requested health authorities such as the IMSS after it released a statement detailing the identity of a Guatemalan man who was treated at a temporary hospital in Mexico City. Health authorities revealed the man’s name, date of birth, and took pictures of him along with doctors. This is why some say the federal government is full of contradictions.
Where are the Cuban doctors?
Around 585 Cuban doctors , paramedics, and biomedical engineers arrived in Mexico to help during the COVID-19 pandemic; however, health authorities may know who they are, how many are they, what are they doing, and where are they. At least this is what health and migration authorities said. Sources said that since federal authorities don’t want to respond to the request for information through transparency mechanisms, the only thing left to do is wait for lawmakers to call officials to testify regarding the issue. Meanwhile, Cuban doctors are like ghosts.
Del Mazo fights femicide
Sources said official numbers show progress regarding the fight against gender-based violence in the State of Mexico. The state is the only location where authorities have sentenced a dozen criminals to life in prison for rape and femicide. Moreover, it will launch a system to monitor men who incur in violence against women. Sources said governor Alfredo del Mazo took this task very seriously and implemented prevention measures suggested by female experts.
Michoacán is key for the PRD
Sources said the PRD is ready for the Michoacán election. The state is the only one governed by the PRD and the political party is working so that it stays this way. First, the party renovated the state leadership and appointed new committee secretaries and counselors without any conflict, something uncommon for the PRD. In contrast, Morena is immersed in conflicts and doesn’t have a leader in Michoacán.