Más Información
Declarar cárteles como terroristas afectará T-MEC y no terminará la violencia: expertos; ven “injerencismo” y “publicidad”
Suman 31 muertos en ola violenta en Michoacán; recuento de ataques, quema de negocios y hasta festejo a “El Mencho”
Dan 11 años de cárcel a maestro de secundaria por violación a alumna en la CDMX; investigación inició en 2022
Leer en español
The federal government dismisses science
We've been told that the relationship between the scientific community, academics , and María Elena Álvarez-Buylla , the head of the National Science and Technology Council , is now more tense. As EL UNIVERSAL informed, the federal government only used 5 lines to explain its plan to science development in the country, therefore, members from different academic institution s were hoping that the head of the Conacyt released a statement, which didn't happen. We've been told that not only she didn't issue a statement, Álvarez-Buylla has also refused to meet with researchers .
Senators stay quiet about Venezuela
We've been told that what happens in the Senate belongs to a surrealist country, for example, when all the political forces finally agree on a position in regards to the crisis in Venezuela , the point of agreement is part of a long list of issues that haven't been voted during the last ordinary session. Mexican Senators took a long time to make a decision, forced by the constitution to monitor the country's foreign policy , and by the time they were ready, the time was over and they didn't even release a statement about one of the most serious humanitarian crisis in Latin America .
How to avoid being booed
It's not the first time this happens, therefore, it is strange to see that opposition governors become López Obrador's fans every time the President visits them. Yesterday, the Governor of Coahuila , Miguel Ángel Riquelme tried to silence the booing by using the President's famous phrase “me canso ganso.” The famous line did appease some and the PRI Governor triumphed. Is there no other way to avoid being booed ?
The fall of the Spanish newspaper
Every month, Mexican media outlets are publicly exposed but what is not mentioned is the reach foreign media outlets have, which often take refugee in foreign countries after their profits sink in their countries. This is the case of the Spanish newspaper, El País, who is trying to compensate its economic losses by operating in Mexico . It is obvious when checking the numbers issued by the Justification of Diffusion Office (OJD) : the sale of El País' newspapers fell 30% in the last year, which turns it into the Spanish newspaper with the worst fall. These are facts, not interference , in contrast with the tactics used by its reporters in Mexico .