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Usually preferring fluffy treetops, the Cephalotes genus encompasses a broad variety of ants that make their nests on branches . Their bodies present some curious evolutionary adaptations that enable them to live at those heights. The soldiers of the so-called turtle ants ( Cephalotes varians ) have a slight modification on their heads that looks and works as a cork , which they use to better block the entrance to their nests and avoid predators. Some studies have shown that this deformity at the top of their bodies also allows them to “fly” as they descend between the tree branches whenever they need to reach the ground quickly: Their bodies are equipped with a natural parachute that protects them when they dive into the void.
Ants are one of the most diverse groups in nature. “ In Mexico alone, there are around a thousand registered species , but the number could be closer to two thousand, given that our country is considered to be mega-diverse; it is estimated to harbor 10% of ant groups in the world . 14,000 species of ants have been registered around the globe, though it is estimated that, in reality, there are over 20,000 species ,” commented Doctor Gabriela Castaño Meneses from the Science Faculty at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) , who works in the Multidisciplinary Unit for Teaching and Research in Juriquilla.
The so-called turtle ants are the Doctor’s favorites. In Mexico, they are more commonly found in tropical jungles , though they have been known to inhabit other ecosystems in central and northern regions of the country. Although this kind of ant is present in at least 19 states , not everyone has had the privilege to see it. It is much more common to encounter specimens from the Pheidole genus, which is the most broadly distributed in the region, according to the expert. The Pheidole genus exists in most parts of the world and is environmentally dominant; it feeds on living insects, carrion, sugary foods, and mostly all kinds of organic waste.
Ants fulfill many important functions in ecosystems. For example, leaf-cutter ants are considered to be ecosystem engineers , given that they constantly modify and create new environments for other organisms. “Though they are not so good at pollinating, they have been known to pollinate certain types of plants , such as ferns. There are many plants that associate with ants because these insects usually nest on them, and the plants are benefited by the ants’ waste; there are seeds that are exclusively spread by ants. Another important function they perform is that they’re the main predators of many terrestrial ecosystems, which helps the ecological balance, but it also helps to constantly turn over the soil , like a natural plow.
Nevertheless, as in every other group of plants or animals, there are also invasive species that can constitute a hazard for other animals, as well as for human health, like the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta ) , known for its aggressiveness and painful bite . Originally from South America , this species has invaded the rest of the continent and many other regions in the world.
In addition to fire ants, there are other important invaders in our country. According to Castaño, these are Linepithema humile , Anopolepis gracilipes , Paratrechina longicornis , and Pheidole megacephala . He also talked about a very important project that focuses on invading ants, led by Doctor Milán Janda, who is currently working on a catalog at the National School of Advanced Studies (ENES), in Morelia. At the lab that specializes in ecology, the National Laboratory for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis ( LANASE ), Milán Janda is working on other studies about the origins and evolution of symbiosis between ants and a wide range of plants, as well as their adaptation to new environments.
Mexican scientists are working on several projects to share and broaden their knowledge of ants. Formicide Mexico holds biennial reunions with the purpose of enriching their records, and there are currently 937 registered species of ants in Mexican territory.