
are fantastic creatures created by Pedro Linares López , a scavenger born in 1906 in Mexico City . One day, Linares fell unconscious due to an illness and, during a long period of deep sleep, he claimed to have seen a series of mind-boggling creatures which he later tried to reproduce by painting small figures made of cardboard with all sorts of vibrant colors.


Una publicación compartida por Museo de Arte Popular (@map_mexico) el

Have you ever heard of 

 or the "flower of the Dead"?


are usually a blend of different animals: They may have a lion’s head and the body of a crocodile, or the body of a fish with dragon wings, to name a few. Though they were originally made of cardboard, artisans in make alebrijes carved out of wood , which are then painted with bright colors and all sorts of tiny patterns and details on their bodies.


Una publicación compartida por Museo de Arte Popular (@map_mexico) el

Have you ever heard of the

who will guide you to the underworld?

Manuel Jiménez Ramírez

, from San Antonio Arrazola , is one of the main exponents of Oaxaca’s alebrijes . Through his work, he represents “ nahuales .”


Una publicación compartida por Museo de Arte Popular (@map_mexico) el


are a part of pre-Hispanic folklore and are understood in two different ways. On the one hand, nahuales are thought to be mythological beings ; supernatural wizards of sorts capable of transforming into animals, objects, or natural elements related to witchcraft. On the other hand, the nahual is a spiritual connection between a person and an animal , with the latter serving as a guide and protector.

Have you ever tried

, Bread of the Dead?

In the village of Tilcajete , tourists are allowed to interact with artisans and visit their workshops while they make alebrijes by hand.



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