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Gobierno de México celebra liberación de mexicanos secuestrados por hutíes de Yemen; SRE agradece apoyo de países de oriente

Diputada María Teresa Ealy Díaz visita el Mercado Argentina; escucha las necesidades de los locatarios

Sheinbaum: que trabajadores del Estado que “ganen más” paguen 2% adicional en impuestos; busca fortalecer sueldos de médicos del ISSSTE
Evangelicals are quite patient
The National Brotherhood of Evangelical Christian Churches (Confraternice) is still waiting for the moral book because the federal government promised to deliver 10,000 issues two months ago, nevertheless, the delivery has been delayed. First, the delay was caused by issues with paper but weeks have passed by and the material that was to be distributed in 7,000 evangelical churches and events is not ready yet. Despite the little inconveniences, we've been told that the Confraternice has already shared a digital version of the book with its pastors so that they read its content and share it.
The PRD is still breathing
We've been told that PRD members thought they were lost after realizing they only have 1,316,847 members. As EL UNIVERSAL revealed, the party lost a large number of members, almost 4 million, but the PRD was expecting even more losses! It turns out Ángel Ávila exposed his party members as he said his fellow party members weren't optimistic and that they would only get 600,000 members but it seems like they got lucky or like they say: “The PRD's vision convinced people that it is a real option.” Is this the case? Or will the INE correct the numbers?
Mónica Fernández will lead the Senate
Yesterday, moments before the Senate voted to appoint Mónica Fernández Balboa as the president of the Senate , Ricardo Monreal was able to obtain more votes for the candidate. On Friday, 12 Morena members hadn't supported Mónica Fernández and in the end, only 4 people didn't support her: Martí Batres, Ifigenia Martínez, Lucía Meza, and Héctor Vasconcelos . All in all, Monreal said that the political party has already solved its internal issues but we'll see.
Mexico's General Archive is not cooperating
Users are quite upset about the changes made to Mexico's General Archive (AGN) by the current administration because they have announced that the public versions of certain documents will be available after paying a fee, which can be high in some cases. And although a user asks for the information through other procedures, they always refuse and argue that historical information contains sensible personal information and it's classified as confidential . And even after users have won in some cases, the AGN says it'll provide the information in 2020 .