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Secretaria de las Mujeres busca disminuir feminicidios con promotoras de derechos; creará línea para atención a víctimas

Diputada María Teresa Ealy Díaz promueve unidad y tradición en la CDMX; celebra Día de Reyes en la MH

Comisión de Defensa en San Lázaro avala reforma sobre ascensos para médicos militares; busca incentivar especialización

Buscan vinculación a proceso de hotelero por fraude en Baja California Sur; afectados fueron secuestrados al exigir pago

Senado alista mecanismo para garantizar elección judicial tras suspensión del Comité del PJF; Noroña acusa sabotaje
The Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) of the European Parliament, Pier Antonio Panzeri , backed the report presented by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) on the Ayotzinapa case .
“I call on the Mexican authorities to conduct a thorough an impartial investigation into the arbitrary detentions, acts of torture and other human rights violations committed,” reads the official statement of Mr. Panzeri.
Last Thursday, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights presented in Mexico City and in Geneve, a report on the human rights violations in the investigation of the violent events which took place in Iguala.
The document states that Mexican authorities resorted to beatings, electric shocks, attempted asphyxia, sexual assault, and various forms of psychological torture, among others, to obtain confessions and statements.
Mexico's Office of the Attorney General (PGR) dismissed the findings of the UN , claiming the report “adds no new elements that can help progress further on the investigation,” since they are already addressing the recommendations mentioned previously by the organization.
The statement of the Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights states that they will continue "to closely monitor the situation."