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The flavors of the Sonoran cuisine will be shared with England , according to Lynn Houghton , a journalist , and writer specializing in international gastronomy.
In a statement, the Sonora government said that in a visit to the state, the English writer said that Sonora has a wide and varied cuisine , as well as cultural and ethnic wealth, worthy of being shown around the world.
Lynn Houghton
visited several parts of the state and was amazed by the dishes she tasted in places like Bahía de Kino, Ures, and Hermosillo.
"I really enjoyed the coyotas , I also visited Bahía de Kino, and I was fascinated with the seafood , the shrimp , I can not stop mentioning the delicious roast beef , ham, and hotdogs of Sonora ," she said.
The Director of Promotion and Events of the Commission for the Promotion of Tourism ( Cofetur ) in Sonora, Luis Alberto González González , explained that this visit took place thanks to the collaboration between Sonora and Arizona .
González González
emphasized the importance of continuing working on this type of events to show Sonora to the world and renewed their commitment to collaborating with Arizona's government.