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Avanza repatriación a México de connacionales secuestrados por huitíes; reciben asistencia y protección consular

Canciller De la Fuente dialoga con su homóloga de Canadá, Mélanie Joly; revisan prioridades compartidas del T-MEC 2026

Comité del PJ busca ayuda de la Suprema Corte para decidir si continuar con elección judicial; esperan resolución

INE aprueba catálogo de infracciones para candidaturas de elección judicial; destacan actos anticipados de campaña
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Elba Esther is back
Former union leader Elba Esther Gordillo is back in the spotlight, hand in hand with an organization called “Progressive Social Networks.” This weekend, the organization hosted its first assembly in Chiapas and it seems like it's looking to form a national political party . We've been told that by the end of the assembly, Gordillo attended the party to say hi to the members from this organization, take selfies, and be seen. We've been told that her political come back is real.
Conflicts of interests
In Puebla , no one knows how to refer to Eduardo Aguilar Sierra , because he works for the state government but he's also working for the PAN president, Marko Cortés . We've been told that this became evident when he participated in an audience with the magistrates from the electoral tribunal . We've been told that this is not the first time Aguilar Sierra takes on two or more responsibilities at the same time. Between 2017 and 2018, he represented the PAN before the INE and coordinated Ricardo Anaya's campaign in Puebla, and at the same time, he was Anaya's personal lawyer.
Official refuses to quit
The H ealth Minister, Jorge Alcocer Varela , is annoyed because an official refuses to quit. We've been told that Virginia González Torres is looking to stay in her position as the head of the Mental Health Integral Center ( Cisame ). Virginia González is using the political support from her brothers; Víctor, the founder of a large drugstore chain and Jorge, the founder of the Green Ecologist Party , to maintain her position. We've been told that the Health Ministry asked her to quit last Friday but she refused and is willing to protest outside the ministry if she is dismissed after 20 years.
Ivonne Ortega is too confident
Although everyone is talking about the fight between José Narro and Alejandro Moreno for the PRI leadership , Ivonne Ortega claims she could be the new leader. She is so sure she is going to win, she will ask José Narro to act as her General Secretary. She considers they would be a great team to revive and reorganize the PRI after it has been plagued by corruption , which cause their loss in the 2017 election . What information does she have, to consider that Narro will join her project and abandon his own?