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INE aprueba en comisiones boletas para jueces de distrito y magistrados de circuito; así estarán divididas

Marino mexicano secuestrado por hutíes abraza a su familia en Veracruz; “gracias a Dios estoy de regreso”, dice

Saxofonista María Elena Ríos burla seguridad de Sheinbaum; señala al gobernador Salomón Jara por dejar libre a su agresor

“Me pusieron la espada en el cuello”, señala juez que frenó elección judicial; TEPJ no tiene facultades para detención, dice
Mr. Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz
, the Executive President and the head of the Administration Board at EL UNIVERSAL , will celebrate his 50th anniversary leading a company with a trajectory of 103 years, which also evolved and became a multimedia company . During an event, his son, Juan Francisco Ealy Lanz Duret, the General Director at EL UNIVERSAL , explained that “the formula that he found for Mexico's Greatest Newspaper to stay in the journalistic exercise was to be young, think like youngsters, and act like youngsters.”
Yesterday, during the event “A day with EL UNIVERSAL, a meeting with university students ,” held at the Tlatelolco Cultural Center , Mr. Ealy Lanz Duret added that younger generations enter the newspaper every six months through its internship program, who enrich the newspaper with their ideas; therefore, these types of events organized by EL UNIVERSAL become an opportunity to learn from one another.
The meeting emphasized EL UNIVERSAL 's interest and desire to be close to younger generations, as well as weighting on credibility as one of the most important values inside the newspaper , especially in the face of how fast fake news spread, therefore, it is essential to fact-check information, photographs, and videos. During the talk, post-truth politics and violence in Mexico and the world were described as the obstacles that must be overcome if you want to become a journalist .
Mr. Ealy Lanz Duret
also opted for technology and said that when it is “properly used and understood, it is on our side,” because without a doubt, we are in a world where dynamics have changed and where EL UNIVERSAL adapted and offers unique contents in a time when digital platforms are rising but without neglecting printed press , which is a more sophisticated product, contains more analysis, and additional information that helps the reader to make well-informed decisions.
In this sense, it was mentioned that EL UNIVERSAL was one of the first Mexican newspapers to open a Twitter account, as well as the first Mexican media outlet to gain 1 million followers . The changes in the public and information consumption, instead of restricting the reach EL UNIVERSAL could have, boost the coverage the newspaper had during the time when traditional media outlets thrived, furthermore, EL UNIVERSAL has reached over 40 million unique users in a month.
As Mr. Ealy Lanz Duret said, the best is yet to come and although “this is a difficult time to be a journalist , but it is also wonderful.”