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American-Canadian actor Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson has joined the list of celebrities who have launched tequila and mezcal brands. For example, last year Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul from hit series Breaking Bad launched a mezcal brand.
As foodies know, both mezcal and tequila have become increasingly popular in recent years, prices are hiking, demand is growing, and producers are struggling to keep up with the demand for Mexican spirits ; therefore, these conditions have become fertile ground for the launch of celebrity-backed spirit brands.
Recommended: Tequila and mezcal threatened by new U.S. category Agave Spirits
However, the question of cultural appropriation lingers in the air. Why tequila ? Is Dwayne Johnson involved in the process or was the drink created by Mexican producers? The website states the tequila is produced in small batches by a Mexican family, who likely inherited the technique and knowledge generations ago, so why do celebrities feel so attracted to a beverage that represents years and years of tradition ? Is Johnson aware of the environmental impact caused by the tequila industry?
Tequila and mezcal are artisanal drinks created by producers who pour their hearts and traditions into copper pots full of agave, who in recent years have ventured into launching their own spirits brands in a bid to obtain fair wages and make a living by sharing their ancestral knowledge so do we really need another celebrity-backed tequila brand?
Recommended: European Union to protect Mexican tequila