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Con banda y canastas de frutas reciben a Sheinbaum en la Mixteca de Oaxaca; “llego con el corazón vibrando”, expresa

Comité Legislativo puede hacerse cargo de trabajo inconcluso: Morena; TEPJF puede dictar medidas de apremio contra PJ

Mexicanos sostienen la economía de EU, asegura Sheinbaum; “son lo que son por el pueblo trabajador”, expresa

Sheinbaum designa a Lázaro Cárdenas Batel para nueva Comisión en la Mixteca; atenderá a pueblos originarios
The Federal Judiciary 's council issued a report where it is revealed that this institution, under the Federal Judicial Branch (PJF) owns a total of 660 buildings and construction places, furthermore, it was revealed that over half of the buildings have become the homes of judges and magistrates and many others are abandoned , empty , misused , or have been trespassed .
he report shows that the other half of the buildings that are not inhabited by judges and magistrates are neglected and generate high costs such as rent payments, maintenance fees, construction , or renovations . In one of these cases, a building in Chetumal , in the state of Quintana Roo , can't be used after Civil Protection considers that people could be at risk inside the building after the construction of a gas station next to the building was approved. Although the construction was halted after the Judiciary filed a motion before state authorities , local authorities have yet to make a final decision and meanwhile, the PJF is losing MXN $85,000 per month in rent, as well as MXN $4 million in renovations made to the building.
Nevertheless, the most dramatic case is a building located in Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, in the state of Mexico . The Court purchased it in 1990 but it was soon abandoned and people took the opportunity to brake in and trespass the building in 2016. Once installed, these people launched a drug trafficking business in the building, although they were later sued and evicted .
The invasion of this building is an example of how the government is losing ground against criminals . It is unthinkable that the Judiciary is losing assets and benefiting criminals because if this happens to authorities , what can citizens expect? These situations can't be allowed because they will set a precedent and motivate other criminal organizations to take over government buildings .