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Frente Cívico Nacional denuncia al INE por impedir presentación de nuevo partido; Instituto justifica decisión por seguridad

Ulises Ruiz busca fundar “México Nuevo”; entrega ante el INE solicitud de registro de partido político

Captan a Luis Videgaray en Washington previo a toma de protesta de Trump; reaparece en cena exclusiva del equipo del Presidente

Condena la ONU-DH asesinatos del periodista Calletano de Jesús y del defensor Sergio Cruz; exige investigaciones

Fernández Noroña rechaza declaración de Trump sobre cárteles mexicanos; “inaceptable una invasión militar”, afirma

“Irreal que vayan a deportar a millones de personas”; experta afirma que EU carece de recursos y sistema para enfrentarla
Dr. López-Gatell is a busy man
We’ve been told that neither Dr. López-Gatell, nor Jorge Alcocer, or Juan Antonio Ferrer have declared their assets and possible conflicts of interest even when the majority of the cabinet has done it, including the President himself. Now, government officials only have a few days left to declare their assets but once you search Declaranet, you can’t find the updated information on these officials. Maybe they are too busy handling the COVID-19 pandemic and they forgot about it? Will they present their declaration once the pandemic slows down? However, Dr. López-Gatell did have time to defend Minister Irma Eréndira Sandoval .
Recommended: Is López-Gatell interested in running for office?
Soccer team cooperates with the SAT
Soccer team Atlas
reached an agreement with the Tax Administration Service to solve their pending issues regarding taxes and in the upcoming days, their debt will be revealed. Moreover, the soccer times will cooperate in some investigations against companies that issue false invoices to make sure these companies face justice.
Recommended: Mexico's Cruz Azul soccer team top directors investigated for money laundering
The Supreme Court gets interrupted
After the 7.5 earthquake struck Mexico, it was all laughter in a video conference between members of the Supreme Court. While the ministers discussed if it is constitutional for judges and magistrates not to have immunity in Michoacán, one of them forgot to mute their microphone. This led the president of the court, Arturo Zaldívar , to be interrupted by the sound of those people who buy old appliances and furniture in Mexico City “se compran colchones, tambores, refrigeradores, estufas…” Zaldívar then had to remind fellow ministers to mute their microphones.
Recommended: A historical day at the Supreme Court
Issuing a false invoice is organized crime?
Now that the SAT took legal action against the 43 companies that issued false invoices, the Supreme Court still has to discuss and solve a cases against the reform to punish false invoices. The new law was contested by Luis Raúl González, the former CNDH director. The court will analyze if the reforms that describe tax-related crimes as serious crimes, a type of organized crime, and a threat to national security. The challenge was admitted to the court in December 2019 and in case the minister decide the reform is invalid, the case might have a different ending than the one expected by the federal government.
Recommended: Tax fraud to become a felony in Mexico