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Accessibility, personalization, better prices and the advantages of online banking are some of the main reasons why 56 million Mexicans currently prefer to use technology in their finances, claimed the Mexican investment platform LaTasa .
According to the Bank of Mexico (BANXICO) , these advantages in the use of Internet banking have caused the number of users to grow up to 64% compared to the figures of 2017 .
In a statement, the digital investment platform stated that one of the main advantages of this type of service is greater accessibility; users need nothing more than an electronic device with Internet access in order to make inquiries or perform transactions.
The firm underlined that by moving a large part of its operations to digital solutions, many businesses have managed to reduce their costs and become more competitive.
It warned that investment platforms had taken advantage of these features, since the savings in fixed expenses have allowed to offer returns of more than 15 percent per year .
In this regard, it pointed out that the digitalization of documents and the sending of information by electronic means saves time on tasks that used to have very long procedures.
For its part, the Internet Association noted that the main reason for not using online banking is that users prefer to continue going to a bank branch, followed by those who do not consider safe to make any transaction online.
The general director of LaTasa, Diego Paillés , commented that "the technological component has always been at the center of our operations, motivating innovation and adaptation to the market.”