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Reforma a la UNAM será democrática, afirma rector; “nuestra Universidad debe renovar sus marcos jurídicos”, expresa
Continúa extinción de dominio de cuentas bancarias de Zheli Ye Gon, acusado de lavado; juez desecha amparo
Publican en DOF decreto que crea Alimentación para el Bienestar; destacan Tiendas para “generar felicidad”
Zhenli Ye Gon, acusado de lavado de dinero, denuncia que FGR no le da acceso a expediente de extradición; interpone amparo
Crimen y violencia, lo que más preocupa a mexicanos, revela encuesta; inflación, desempleo y corrupción les siguen
Did the previous administration bribe lawmakers?
If you look at pictures from 2012, when members from all political parties signed the Pact for Mexico , you will notice that they all looked really happy. Nevertheless, those pictures were taken years ago and now the situation has changed. Nowadays, former governors are in prison or on the run, former ministers and lawmakers are being investigated on corruption charges, and many of them fear the results. However, the one who looked quite happy was ex-president Enrique Peña Nieto , who could become the first former president to face trial. Sources said that if the accusations made by former Pemex chief Emilio Lozoya regarding Peña Nieto’s presidential campaign are true, it will become clear that those smiles cost Mexicans at least MXN 500 million in bribes paid to lawmakers so that they would approve a series of structural reforms.
Toledo vs. Constellation Brands
If Constellation Brands investors hoped the Mexican government would grant the company a permit to build a beer factory in Mexicali, Baja California, President López Obrador crushed their dreams yesterday after saying his administration won’t issue a permit. Moreover, the Mexican President told businessmen to get used to the idea because there is no way he will grant the permit. Maybe this statement has something to do with what Environment Minster Víctor Manuel Toledo said about the federal government: that cabinet members asked him to be less tough on Constellation Brands and to relax environmental regulations. Some said that Toledo’s political career is dead, just as the plan to build the beer factory.
The opposition doesn’t like the Zócalo
Lawmaker Mario Delgado said it is likely that lawmakers host a session outside San Lázaro on September 1 because the building would be too crowded with 500 lawmakers and 128 senators. Sources said there are two alternative locations for López Obrador’s state of the union address : Mexico City’s Zócalo and the National Auditorium. Nevertheless, the PAN, PRI, PRD, and MC said the Zócalo is not an option.
Morena’s internal election is on hold
members are worried because the process to appoint new leaders should begin on Sunday. The party’s health council said it shouldn’t carry out public events amid the COVID-19 pandemic, therefore, the party can’t organize assemblies. The ruling party is waiting for the Electoral Tribunal to make its decision, which will be announced on Friday.