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Semar y FGR aseguran laboratorios de metanfetamina en Tlaxcala; detienen a 14 personas con drogas y armas

PAN respalda exigencia ciudadana de paz en Sinaloa; “autoridades han sido incapaces de hacerle frente a esta circunstancia”

Diputada del PRI propone reforma para que servicio social cuente como experiencia laboral; insiste en hacerlo obligatorio

Ante medidas anunciadas por gobierno de EU, PAN urge plan integral; exige compartir estrategias implementadas
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Did the “Master Fraud” start in 2008?
The results obtained by the Superior Audit Office in regards to payments made by Pemex to public universities and after these public resources were triangulated and ended up at the hands of private companies, evidence indicates that the minds behind this fraud scheme known as the “ Estafa Maestra ” were part of Felipe Calderón 's administration. It turns out that Grupo Evya received payments by the Autonomous University of Carmen , which received the money from Pemex . These payments were assigned between 2008 and 2012 for its owner, Javier Camargo, who has been linked to the PAN . Camargo then sold the company to several investors in 2014, who have also filed lawsuits against him. Now, we've been told that the Audit Office has set its sights on Camargo and the then Pemex director , Juan José Suárez Coppel . We've been told the current administration at Evya is already cooperating with authorities. Does the Master Fraud has PAN genes and was perfected during the Peña Nieto administration ?
No more obstacles for Santa Lucía?
The lawyers who file the motions against the Santa Lucía airport and who also defend the Texcoco airport looked a little disappointed and worried but why? Because there was diligence at the courthouse led by judge Juan Carlos Guzmán Flores , who has been working in the case. Those in charge of filing the options against the Santa Lucía airport say the judge is being pressured to take a step back and revoke the definitive suspension . We've been reminded that the National Defense Ministry argued that the airport is a national security issue and that this has put the pressure on the judge , who will have to decide if he upholds the suspension or if he fulfills the ministry 's request in a few days.
The INE is in trouble
The INE 's internal control body ( OIC ) made several observations after finding several anomalies during an audit . At the last minute, when the INE ran out of time to respond to the report , the INE finally addressed the observations. Nevertheless, in its preliminary report , the OIC said that even when in the past the INE has implemented the corrective measures dictated by the OIC, that “doesn't mean that the findings made [by the OIC] don't exist.” Moreover, it said that the officials should keep all this in mind to prevent making the same mistakes again.
Transparency is expensive
's General Archive ( AGN ) fulfilled its warning that it would charge for every public version of a document requested by users. Now, in order to obtain a copy of the list of all the public versions , the AGN is charging MXN $6,408. Let's remember that when the administration of Mercedes Vegas ended in November 208, there were 3,572 public versions that could be consulted; the majority of these files came from the extinct Federal Security Agency . As soon as Carlos Ruiz Abreu took over the AGN , he removed these files and claimed that the personnel had to eliminate the confidential information contained in them. Now there are only 361 files available, that is, only 10%. So transparency has become limited and expensive during this federal administration .