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ONU llama a investigar asesinato del periodista Alejandro Gallegos en Tabasco; “nos solidarizamos con su familia”, dice

Loret de Mola denuncia cierre de la cuenta de Latinus en Tiktok; ocurre en medio de debate sobre libertad de expresión

Regresa delegación mexicana que ayudó a combatir incendios en California; destacan relación bilateral con EU
Mexican cyclist
s are motivated to give their best at the World Junior Track Cycling Championship, in the Swiss city of Aigle . They are looking to be among the Top 10.
Ana Cecilia Peña, Katia Martínez, Valentina Velasco, Lisa Cantú, Julieta Lledias, and Tomas Aguirre
the track last Wednesday, to try their pace , as the competitions begin soon and they aspire to be on the top positions.
Peña, Martínez, Velasco, and Lledias
will participate in the team category ; Aguirre in pursuit and Cantu in speed , they will perform together in both tests.
In the individual tests , Martínez and Lledias will participate in the scratch test , where they will seek their pass to the final.
Also, Martínez and Aguirre will take part in the competition as part of the preparation for the Youth Olympic Games in Buenos Aires , Argentina 2018 , to be held next October.