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To curb the coronavirus pandemic in Mexico, the federal government will use MXN $3.5 billion to buy medical equipment, laboratory material, cleaning and disinfection supplies, as well as support ventilation as informed deputy minister of Health Prevention and Promotion Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez .
“The whole federal government is involved in this positive response, from the president to the last government organism that could exist, going through the Health Ministry that coordinates the strategy,” he commented.

During a morning news conference in the National Palace , López-Gatell said that the epidemic could last at least 3 months in Mexico, which was what it lasted in China , so he urged the population to remain calm and follow preventive measures like frequent hand washing, avoiding handshakes, not attending massive events, and not spreading rumors.
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“It won’t be a short epidemic ; it could last at least three months , what it lasted in China. It reached a maximum point and descended, not necessarily because of extreme containment measures, so that would be the minimum scenario for Mexico; there could be swings that could extend the mitigation and control measures.”
He stressed that the measures taken by the Republic have been planned with anticipation according to the COVID-19 scenarios and that society is key to maintain them.
“If these measures are taken too soon, they are of no use later; we cannot, we must not exhaust society. Let’s keep calm, which doesn’t mean to not be careful but to focus on what is useful which are the basic measures : washing your hands, being careful when sneezing, effective recovery; coronavirus doesn¿t need to be confirmed so as to stay home if you have a fever, for instance.”
Recommended: Mexico's COVID-19 contingency plan: three key phases to fight the coronavirus outbreak
The deputy minister stressed that closing schools of all levels since March 23 was a joint decision: “The chosen date was March 23 so that, between the 17 and 20, there could be concrete mechanisms but it was a planned decision, it was not emerging nor rushed. People were also urged not to attend massive events and keep informed by trusting, respecting, and analyzing founded information and not spreading rumors that only cause confusion and that can affect even more than the virus.”
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