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The war to control water continues and intensifies in Chihuahua , especially after the federal government blocked the bank accounts of current and former government officials and a township by arguing there was corruption; however, this move left the community without resources to fulfill its basic needs.
The measure implemented by the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF) affected former Chihuahua Governor José Reyes Baeza and Delicias Mayor Eliseo Compeán. Authorities identified them as those behind the protests at La Boquilla dam . According to a bi-national treaty signed by Mexico and the United States in 1994, Mexico has to provide water to the U.S. as a compensation for other benefits this country receives.
Farmers and inhabitants who live near the dam said the government deprives them of the water they need for their crops; therefore, they oppose the decision to fulfill the agreement signed by Mexico and the U.S. In Mexico City, authorities denied the treaty affects Mexico and argued it is beneficial for the country because it obtains more water than the U.S.
Recommended: Farmers in northern Mexico to challenge U.S. water payments in international courts
When the government blocked several bank accounts, the conflict suddenly escalated and turned into a political conflict that now involves a former Governor who is also linked to a massive fraud known as the “Master Fraud.” It seems like authorities are trying to hide what is truly behind the protests supported by hundreds of Chihuahua residents, and which have resulted in the death of protesters.
Moreover, the situation seems to be a political vendetta against one of the most rebel states, and another stage in the confrontation between state governments and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which intensified after several governors left the National Governors Conference (Conago).
In times when the country requires unity among all Mexicans, internal conflicts intensify more and more. It is time to ask what is behind all this and what will be the outcome? Will Mexicans unite amid a crisis?