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Senadores del PRI exigen frenar propaganda de la 4T en Edomex; denuncian que imponer frases de AMLO como nombres de calles es una afrenta

Arnold & Porter presenta recurso Amici Curiae ante Suprema Corte de EU por el caso Smith & Wesson Brands Vs México

Ante toma de posesión de Trump, Sheinbaum reitera defensa a connacionales; “México no es colonia de nadie”, dice

Consulado mexicano en Tucson lanza recomendaciones ante posibles detenciones; ¿cómo actuar ante un arresto?

Sheinbaum afirma que la detuvieron 30 veces en su visita a la montaña de Guerrero; “la generosidad del pueblo de México es única”, dice

Inai dice que Pemex debe hacer pública cantidad de combustible que envió a Cuba; solicita hacer una nueva búsqueda exhaustiva
After tropical storm Lidia hit Baja California Friday morning, several rivers and creeks overflowed, littering the famous beaches of Los Cabos with tree trunks, sticks, plastics, stones and other debris.
Dozens of workers and volunteers have joined the clean-up and restoration brigades, having already removed 500 tons of waste from the beaches of this famous touristic destination.
Cabo San Lucas
registered a precipitation of 422 millimeters – above the annual average of 200 – while San José del Cabo reports similar figures. The above-average precipitation caused the rivers to overflow, sweeping along everything on their path.
At least a thousand people have lost their homes at irregular settlements, where most houses were made of tin and cardboard. Since yesterday, many of the affected inhabitants have begun to return to their communities to try and find what they can salvage from the flood, while those who have been left homeless have no choice but to return to the shelters at night.
Communications have been restored to the main municipalities of the state, however, and most ports have resumed their normal operations, according to port authorities.
The Federal Commission of Electricity (CFE) has restored power to 83% of the over 67 thousand users in areas where power outages have been reported.
As a result of the flooding, the State Commission of Sanitary Risk Prevention (COEPRIS) has prohibited the sale of food on the streets and has restricted access to beaches as a prevention measure, claiming there is no risk to either tourists or residents.