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Calderón asegura que construcción de barda en refinería fue decisión de Peña; en Dos Bocas “AMLO sólo dejó los fierros”, acusa
SCJN niega amparo a Santander contra multa por manipular precio de Cetes; acciones afectan libre competencia, explica
Gobernadora de Nuevo México reconoce a De la Fuente contribución de mexicanos; identifican áreas de oportunidad
Tras reunión con Sheinbaum, INE pide ampliación de 1 mil 500 mdp para elección judicial; pagarán salarios
Elección judicial: Exfiscal Gilberto Higuera acude a entrevista para ser ministro; imagina una Corte abierta y transparente
Mexico is a secular state : the different religions practiced in the country don't interfere with political or government issues, and authorities respect equally all the religious associations. The separation of the Church and the State is declared in the Political Constitution of the country.
This distance, however, can shorten once in a while and both the State and the religious institutions sometimes get so close it seems laicism doesn't really exist.
In the country, there've been cases of local mayors who have surrendered their communities to Jesus Christ, or state Governors who have consecrated their state to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and even presidents who have attended a religious temple as their first act after taking office.
On the other side, religious ministers – mainly during electoral times – have been denounced of influencing their congregations for suggesting they vote for a specific candidate, or for disapproving another.
publishes today that the Mexican Episcopal Conference will provide “citizen formation workshops” at the 93 dioceses of the country, in order to strengthen the citizen's principles to defend their rights and reject “all acts of unlawfulness, corruption, impunity, violence, and injustice.”
Inevitably, ministers and priests – regardless of religion – are considered by the faithful to be authorities on the matters of the spirit...and politics. Therefore, it falls on these religious officials to be prudent and acknowledge they have a “power” to influence their congregations, better used to address the importance of fulfilling one's duties as a citizen – such as voting in the presidential elections – than for the benefit of a particular political group.
The goals of these workshops mentioned above stress the “need of citizens who can strengthen democracy through participation and who can rebuild our social fabric.” The line between education and persuasion is very thin. Besides, civil organizations currently offer similar courses. Is it really necessary to launch these actions during electoral times?
A Presidential election is an opportunity for every Mexican citizen to vote this upcoming July 1, 2018, freely , without duress, convinced their decision is the best for themselves and their family, and not because it's the suggestion of a religious institution.