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The Christmas tree fores t (Bosque de Árboles de Navidad ), which operates under a trust, located in Amecameca in the State of Mexico , predicts an increase of 40% in the sales of trees during this Christmas season , which would represent the sale of over 70,000 tress and the presence of at least 350,000 people in their plantation.
“Almost 1,700,000 Christmas trees are sold in the country each year, between national and imported trees, we have a modest participation because people come to buy trees with their own family ,” said Carlos Maurer , the Bosque de Árboles de Navidad 's director.
In an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, Maurer explained that the forest has over 500 hectares and the price of each tree is MXN $795, which hasn't increased significantly in the last years.
One of the reasons for the 40% increase in sales in 2018 is the benevolent and beneficial weather and rains for the trees, and people's interest increased too, he explained.
“Currently, we have 700,000 natural trees planted, growing. Mexican families buy trees between 2 and 2.5 meters long, although we have some that are 4 meters long, the entrance is free,” he said.
The Christmas tree forest began harvesting 54 years ago and it's the biggest plantation of its kind, Maurer explains.
“Some foreigners have come to understand how we do it, because of the quality and the size of the trees. Our main focus is to show that cutting trees is good for the economy , it's the same as when you eat corn tortillas, you don't finish all the corn in Mexico .”
“Trees take up to 10 years to grow and reach the height for a Christmas tree ; when you cut in, it doesn't die: it sprouts and generates more trees ,” he said.
In the beginning, the forest had a few hundred trees , but now they are dozens of thousands: “Each year we sell more, people tell others, people prefer coming to the forest than going to a department store,” he emphasized.