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Music is not stopping by the end of the year, for Christina Aguilera will give three exclusive shows during the first days of December in Mexico .
The singer of “Beautiful” and “Candyman” will visit Monterrey, Guadalajara, and Mexico City to meet her fans, whom she will please with hits such as “Dirty,” “Fighter,” and “Genie in a Bottle.”

The concerts will be part of her The X Tour , which arrives in Mexico after the end of the stay of the songwriter in Las Vegas and her tour in Europe.
Aguilera’s shows will take place in Citibanamex Auditorium on December 3rd , Telmex Auditorium , on December 5th , and the Sports Palace on December 7th .
The tickets for the three concerts will be available on an exclusive presale for Citibanamex on September 18 and 19 . General ticket sales will start on September 20 via Ticketmaster and the box offices of the venues.
