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Javier Hernández
, “El Chicharito ,” was officially joined Sevilla , as both the soccer player and the Spanish team confirmed it today.
bought him for USD $8.8 million and the contract will last three years.
Through his twitter account, “ Chicharito ” said that he's “beyond excited to have the opportunity to wear these colors. I am also utterly committed to helping the team achieve all the goals set for this season. Thanks for the trust! #WeAreSevilla .”
The Sevilla FC warmly welcomed him and introduced him during a press conference:
Javier Hernández
says this is not the last stop despite being 31: “I'm a person that tries to avoid the comfort zone and I'm going to demand the best version of myself to achieve important things. The main thing is to win games to move forward in the competitions and I imagine great things because it's free. I see myself achieving great things with this club .”
The Mexican soccer player added that joining the club was a “step forward in his career. It's another step and a brilliant opportunity to grow, enjoy , and push myself to show that I'm at the level of the club .”