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Chicago’s National Museum of Mexican Art
has introduced several commemorative events for the Day of the Dead , paying homage to the victims of the Tlatelolco Massacre , the earthquakes of 2017 , and even victims of the Parkland school shooting in Florida .
This year’s special exhibits meant to commemorate the well-known Mexican tradition will feature 75 artists from the U.S. and Mexico .
One of the exhibitions is called “Mexico 68 not forgotten; Remembering the Tlatelolco Massacre ” which will be displayed at the Rubin and Paula Torres gallery starting today until January 20, 2019 , featuring artworks and black and white photographs from that time, as well as a chronology of the tragic events that ended with the death of 135 students .
For this expo, Mexican artist Rodrigo Lara has created a series of ceramic objects, such as shoes, backpacks, books, and clothes that were scattered through the Plaza of the Three Cultures in Mexico City at the time of the massacre.
The exhibition will also feature a “ tzompantli ” (a pre-Hispanic rack) made of skulls, created by Salvador Pizarro .
“ Most Hispanic people living in the United States don’t know anything about what happened in 1968 ,” said Cesáreo Moreno, curator of the exhibition alongside Dolores Mercado.