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Claudia Sheinbaum, por definir asistencia presencial a reunión "urgente" de la Celac; migración, tema clave del encuentro

Noroña califica política de EU como hipócrita, racista y fascista; se solidariza con Petro ante deportaciones

Magistrada Mónica Soto propone sustituir al Comité de Evaluación del PJ; plantea someter a insaculación a aspirantes elegibles

Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala

¿Eres madre trabajadora? Puedes acceder a las guarderías del IMSS; descubre los requisitos y cómo hacerlo
This Tuesday, there was a debate on the presidential debate . This meeting gathered the campaign coordinators of the five presidential candidates. According to our sources, there was harsh criticism against Tatiana Clouthier regarding the amnesty proposed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) . The event was moderated by the former president of the Federal Electoral Institute (IFE), Luis Carlos Ugalde, who at one point asked: “Who wants the floor?” Both Tatiana and Jorge Castañeda raised their hands and she gave the floor to Castañeda, saying: “The elderly first.” Although spoken in jest, the former Chancellor didn't find the remark funny and a couple of minutes later he said: “You think I'm old Tatiana? Well, I'm as old as Andrés.” Afterward, the campaign coordinator of Ricardo Anaya clarified that López Obrador is his younger for three months younger and that he respects Obrador but that if he is “elderly” then she should also address Andrés Manuel as such.
Bolaños after Cuau's chair
Amidts the pulls and tugs which took place today at the Lower Chamber, the one who takes the cake is the deputy of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Javier Bolaños . The plenary session in San Lázaro approved his leave of absence, which comes into effect this May 13. Fellow PAN members and deputies from other parties approached him to congratulate him at the end of the session. Mr. Javier was the Vicepresident of the Executive Board, which he chaired during the first half of the second year of the 63 Legislature, and now leaves to run for Municipal President of Cuernavaca , office held by former football player Cuauhtémoc Blanco , who is currently running for Governor of Morelos state with the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA).
IMSS, from mourning to partying
Amidst the frenzy over the end of the Legislature, the Senate will provide a space for a solemn session to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) . We're told that a few years ago, this kind of tribute could have been akin to a funeral as the numbers of the Institure were in the red; however, thanks to the work of its last three administrators – including the current one – the Institute, for the benefit of many, has arrived at this celebration with healthy finances after three quarters of a century. Now, its current director, Tuffic Miguel Ortega , has the challenge of keeping up the pace and improve its services.
The big shot of Dutch businesspeople
During his visit to Europe, our sources say, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto received important acknowledgments on his policies to promote investment and improve the business environment in Mexican soil. The team of Los Pinos informs to us that the big shot of the businesspeople in the Netherlands pronounced a huge acknowledgment before Mexico's Head of State: the ground for foreign investment is impressive and surely businesspeople will miss President Peña very much – who is seventh months away from concluding his administration.